The Good Confession

Scripture Reading - 1 Timothy 6:12 Darby

Strive earnestly in the good conflict of faith. Lay hold of eternal life, to which thou hast been called, and hast confessed the good confession before many witnesses.

In a previous lesson we spoke about making the “Godly Confession” unto Salvation because that is the first necessary confession we must do to be a part of the family of God. Once you are in the Family of God, as a Christian, you automatically are a member in good standing of the Kingdom of God. In today's lesson we will discuss the subject of “The Good Confession” which is the language of your Heavenly Father and His Awesome Kingdom which is the Kingdom of God. In the previous lesson we discussed that many people think of “confession” as something negative like a “confession” of guilt after committing a sin and/or crime. Many people think of “confession” of one’s faults and failures to a priest or an authority figure. However, again we are not speaking about a “negative confession” in this article but rather, as the title indicates, we are teaching on making “The Good Confession”. When we (ihlcc) use the term “The Good Confession” we are specifically speaking about “confessing God’s Word”. Since we are speaking the very same words of our Heavenly Holy Awesome Father the Words we speak are always Good because The Lord is Good and His mercy endures forever. Many people would agree with us (ihlcc) when we say speaking God’s Word is a good thing simply because any true child of God should rejoice to speak as Jesus speaks. However, we are speaking of speaking “The Good Confession” in good times when everything is going well and also in challenging times while facing the test and trials of this world. We almost said, “the tests and trials of life” but we remembered that God is Life and He is definitely not the one testing us because we do know that tests and trials designed to make us fall or turn us against God are from the devil, the evil one, not our Loving Heavenly Father. Thus we must purpose to keep our mind clear on whom we are fighting against because knowing who your true enemy is will help you defeat him with the proper game plan. We know that Satan uses trickery and deceit to take people captive so how can we keep our selves from all trickery and deceit to always come out victorious over the devil and his kingdom of darkness. The simple answer is by walking in The Light and that Light is God’s Word. Since the Word of God is Light it is always our answer to the various issues of darkness we face in this earth. This is why we (ihlcc) liked the way Darby translated today’s reference verse. Notice that we must strive earnestly (seriously, intently, focused mentally, etc…) in the good conflict of faith. Why is this referred to as a good conflict simply because it is our answer to problems. Know that when darkness is present we are to speak forth Light to overcome that darkness. Hence when wrong is in front of us we speak the right Word of God to change the negative circumstance to good instead of evil. When we do this faithfully we are doing what our Heavenly Father asks of all His Children. Just realize that this will be a conflict between your natural senses and sometimes human reasoning but it is the Word of Faith which we speak as “the Good Confession”. Consider that God’s Word is our only escape from all evil, every sickness, every disease and all the works of darkness we do good to confess Him (The Word of God, Jesus Christ) to overcome all the works of darkness that are contrary to God’s Word. The Lord Jesus Christ showed us by example that speaking the Words of God as God’s child is pleasing to our Heavenly Father. Why? One may ask, simply because it is the will of our Heavenly Father that we rule and reign as healthy, whole, prosperous kings and queens while on this earth. This is the exact reason why God sent Jesus to the earth to be our substitute for the punishment for sin that the blessing of God might be made manifested upon us, God’s Holy Children. Any parent with a good heart will desire for their children to be blessed all the days of their life because we truly love our children and want them to do well. How much more does God love us and desire perpetually for us (all Christians) to do well also. Thus, the Good Lord gave us a Holy Book, entitled the Holy Bible for the purpose of us learning God’s Language first by believing His Word then taking that belief one step further by speaking God’s Words into existence while living our life upon the earth. It is said, “If you desire for God to be on the screen or scene in your life you must put Him there by boldly speaking His Word.” “The Good Confession” speaks the Word of God always at all times in times of war (under conflict) and in times of peace (favorable circumstances). Remember, the pattern our father Abraham left us by calling those things that were not as though they were. - Refer to Romans 4:17. This gave us a good example to follow when you consider exactly what Abraham said. “The Good Confession” was common for all the legends of faith that are mentioned in the Holy Bible. They did right by God and so must we do likewise to be right with God. Yes, we must speak God’s Word to overcome any negative circumstances and we must speak God’s Word of Life to create His Good Life in our life. Yes, life and death are both in the power (authority) of the tongue so today and every day we must choose life (God’s Word) over death (speaking sickness, poverty, physical death, etc . . ) and choosing life opens the door to living the more abundant life in Christ Jesus. Amen! So please speak forth “The Good Confession” of faith in complete agreement with God’s Word and you shall experience God’s goodness on a deeper level because you will start seeing God as high and lifted up. Once you see Him as He truly is you will also start seeing yourself as high and lifted up with Him. Please realize “the good confession” of God’s Word is the speaking forth of the positive victory we have in Christ Jesus and this confession of faith can never hurt you, it can only advance you further in life then you ever thought you could go. Amen!